What is a One Time Password?
- A One Time Password (or OTP) is a randomly generated number
- This number authenticates you along with your Username, Password and Institution Code in PAYDirect
- This number is generated by a Security Token that will be given to you by your PAYDirect Administrator.
- This new mode of authentication is called 2-factor Authentication and is more secure than the traditional method of authentication.
How do you use your One Time Password?
- Press the button on the Security Token assigned to you
- The Security Token will display a number
- Enter this number in the One Time Password field
How do you get your Security Token to start using a One Time Password?
- In the next few months you will be assigned a Security Token by your PAYDirect Administrator
- If you have been assigned a token already, you will not be able to login without it, Keep it safe!
- If you have not been assigned a token, you can log in as you usually log in